Cookies are small files, the browser identifies them through a code.
Your visit will be saved in a Cookie, this allows You to go in and out the site without new identifications.
Our site installs very necessary Cookies. Some of them need your agreement. You can cancel them in every moment reading the instructions on this page.
Technical Cookie
Fundamental Cookies to the operation
Our site uses Cookies for your subscription and to conduct the activities for the operation, as the distribution of traffic.
Optimization, statistics and preference saving,
The Cookies used for the preference saving facilitate your web surfing. As Cookies for language and statistic settings.
Other Cookies or third parties tools
Our service could include the collection of statistic data in anonymous way, managed by the Owner. For these information We don't need your agreement.
In case third parties manage services to save your data unbeknownst to the Owner, We suggest You to read our privacy policy.
The owner of the data treatment can inspect the traffic data to understand the surfer's behaviour.
Google Analytics with anonymous IP (Google Inc.)
Google Analytics analyses personal data provided by Google Inc. to understand why this application is used. These data are shared with other Google services.
Otherwise it uses personal data to develop and feature ads of the network.
Google Analytics makes IP anonymous.
This is possible in the borders of European States or in the Nations that participated in the Agreement on the European Economic Area, shortening the IP address. Only in exceptional cases the shortened IP address can be sent to Google servers in USA.
Collected personal data: Cookies and use data
Place of data treatment: USA Privacy Policy Opt Out . Entity adhering to Privacy Shield.
ShinyStat is a statistic service, it allows to monitor site visits through a counter. It makes the user's IP address anonymous.
Collected Personal Data: Cookies and using Data.
Place of Treatment: Italy – Privacy Policy – Opt Out.
External platform contents
The saved dates could probably be transferred on external platforms.
The pages with this service, collect your data though you're not using it.
Widget Google Maps (Google Inc.)
Some pages of our site use Google Maps service to display maps provided by Google.
Collected Personal Data: Cookies and use Data.
Place of data treatment: USA Privacy Policy . Entity adhering to Privacy Shield.
Widget simple booking
It is a service that allows to transfer dynamic contents from our site's online booking pages. The data responsible is Qnt Srl.
Collected Personal Data: Cookies and using Data.
Place of Treatment: USA – Privacy Policy:
SPAM protection
This service protects the website from spam and various abuses. This service works through filtering incoming traffic, which could contain users' personal data.
Google reCAPTCHA (Google Inc.)
Google reCAPTCHA is a service that protects the website from spam and abuses. It is offered by Google Inc. and subject to its privacy policy and its terms of use.
Collected Personal Data: Cookies and using Data.
Place of Treatment: USA – Privacy Policy ( . Entity adhering to Privacy Shield.
Cookies deleting through browsers
The web visitor can manage the Cookies agreement, can deny new ones from third parties or delete a past agreement from his own browser.
The agreement cancellation process from the most used browser is described in these addresses:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Apple Safari:
Microsoft Internet Explorer:
To delete cookies installed by third parties, consult the opt out link (if possible), read the privacy policy or contact the owner.
Owner of Data Treatment
Via Magazzeno
84098 Pontecagnano Faiano (SA)
e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Inasmuch as We can't control and monitor Cookies installed by third parties in this application, We suggest You to consider merely indicative any specific reference to Cookies installed by third parties.
For more informations check the privacy policy in this page.
Data information
Personal Data
The information that identify a physical person and can provide details about his features, habits, lifestyle and personal relationships, etc..
Use Data
Automatically collected data, every time that a surfer visits our site or app used by our site, the data comes through the country of origin, IP address, server request, itinerary in our site, permanence on any page.
Who access to our site and can be identified as stakeholder.
The physical person whom personal data refer.
Treatment Responsible (or Responsible)
The physical person, society, public or private authority, the association, etc., which the Owner gives specific management tasks and data treatment control.
Treatment Owner (or Owner)
The physical person, company, public or private authority, the association, etc., that makes decisions about purpose, ways of the treatment and used tools.
This Application (or App)
The hardware/ software system through which are collected and managed the Users' Personal Data.
The Service provided by this Application as it is defined in this site/application.
European Union (or UE)
Every reference about UE in this page is about every member States of UE and of European Economic Area.
Text files identified by browser through a code.
Legal References
This privacy policy is based on many laws included the artt. 13 e 14 of Regolamento (UE) 2016/679.
Where it is not otherwise specified, this privacy policy is only about this Application.